Strategies for the Shy Singer: Part One

From beginners to professionals, many singers struggle with confidence.  We’re tackling this subject in two parts.  I’ll be back next month with some hands-on tips and exercises to practice building your confidence while singing.  Today we’re honored with a special guest, 2x Grammy® winning Recording Artist, Kalani Pe’a, who I recently sat down with on Zoom to discuss this topic.  Without fail, Kalani lights up the room, whether the room is on stage at the Grammys®, or on Zoom in his living room in Hawaii.  How does he do it?  Find out what cabbages, whispers of the ancestors, and tapping into your truest self can do for you! Tight on time? Scroll down for key takeaways.

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Take the boogie-man out of the audience. Kalani’s mom told him to imagine all those faces in the audience as cabbage heads! You’re just in a field, singing to cabbages, what’s to be afraid of?

  2. Know who you are, and just be you! Wear your identity proudly and share your identity through your music. Your authenticity will cause people to make a personal connection with you.

  3. If you have a gut instinct, it’s the voices of your ancestors guiding you to do something. Trust that they’re with you, behind you, supporting and cheering you on.

  4. Adopt a “Geev Um!” attitude — Serve it, slay it, and HAVE FUN!


Strategies for the Shy Singer: Part 2


Maintaining A Healthy Voice with Subglottic Stenosis